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Be seen by local users in Leesburg, VA

Market your business with LocoLiving and reach thousands of local, qualified users per month in Leesburg.

10k+ Users

LocoLiving reaches over 10,000 local, qualified users per month through organic search and inbound social media traffic.

High Visibility

We create and promote content for local businesses, so advertising spots are dynamic and highly visible.


Take advantage of premium advertising slots to provide run-of-site visibility to LocoLiving users.

Current Rates

Ad Type / Position Rate Limit
Appear in equal rotation with other similar ads on articles
$150/mo 6/mo
Appear on every article
$300/mo 2/mo
Appear in top position on all articles
$600/mo 1/mo

Advertising rates assume 20,000+ impression opportunities per month

Typical user device engagement is ~75% mobile

Ad sizes are 300x250px

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